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Tank Management Services


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KDHE Updates

28 Dec 2019 3:40 PM | Lori Desch-Ranallo (Administrator)

The new UST regulations for owners & operators of UST systems are still at the AG’s office and waiting for approval.   If approved, KDHE will hold a 60-day Public Comment period and meet with the Legislative Research Committee.  KDHE will keep the regulated community apprised of progress and will let you know as soon as possible.  However, make sure you’re preparing yourself for the upcoming testing & inspections as they will be in effect and due on October 13, 2021.  Contact your service provider to have these new testing requirements scheduled as soon as possible.

KDHE is also working on implementing a new database system called KEIMS (Kansas Environmental Information Management System). 

Don’t Forget: AST information has also been sent out and is due to KDHE by 12/31/19

UST monthly monitoring forms were also sent out to owners and operators.  These forms, along with your inventory control forms, are due back to KDHE after the 1st of the year.  Don’t forget to include the additional supporting information that is required to be turned in with these forms. 

And lastly, the Walkthrough Inspections will be enforced and due by April 30, 2020 so make sure you’re doing these now.  Also note that KDHE will ONLY except their Monthly Inspection Form and NO other.


The effective date of October 13, 2021 is a firm deadline required by KDHE and the EPA.  Implementation of this new requirement is highly encouraged in order to avoid associated penalties for non-compliance.  A penalty matrix is being developed and will be shared with facility owners and operators as soon as it is available.  Please contact the KDHE Storage Tank Section at (785) 296-1678 if you have any questions or would like additional information concerning the new requirements. 

The Storage Tank Section website can be found at The forms associated with the Walkthrough Inspection, and various other forms; including information for storage tank owners, owner/compliance forms as well as contractor forms can be found at:

Tank Management Services, Inc.

115 SE 7th Street

Topeka, KS 66603

Phone: (800) 530-5683 or (785) 233-1414

Fax: (785) 354-4374

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