4th Qtr. 2023
Check out our new & improved website that will be updated regularly. Keep referring to it for the latest TMS info.
Below are the 2023 TMS inspection results. There were 28 sites with no violations. Congrats! There are a lot of small things that can be quickly repaired and need to be.
We recently met with KDHE staff, and they had some really good things to report but obviously still struggling with staffing. We are happy to be having regular meetings and working with KDHE staff to be part of the solution.
All of us here at TMS wish you a Happy Holiday Season !! We appreciate you giving TMS the chance to be your trusted partner.
Current TMS Staff Contacts:
Administrative Manager - Tina Wages tina@tankmgmt.com
Administrative/Education/SIR Coordinator - Lori Desch-Ranallo lori@tankmgmt.com
SIR Technician – Alicia Hernandez - alicia@tankmgmt.com
Third Party Liability Insurance Agent & EDI – Judy Menke judy@fueltrue.org
KDHE Preventative Unit Gives Update on UST Permits
For the current operating permit cycle (2023-2024), the Storage Tank staff have reviewed and vetted all permitting and compliance information submitted by UST owners. All documentation submitted by the tank owners has been accounted for and the online database (KEIMS) contains up to date information relevant to submitted documents. At this time, permits have been issued to all UST owners who have submitted the correct documents and fees. Those facilities that are operating under ‘Extended’ status permits will need to provide any missing information to KDHE as soon as possible in order to avoid late fees. Those facilities that are operating under an ‘Expired’ permit will begin receiving the ‘B-6’ letters instructing their fuel supplier to cease providing fuel to that facility until a new permit has been issued by KDHE. The regulated community is encouraged to achieve compliance with State and Federal storage tank requirements.
KDHE has once again participated in the Tank Talks recently held around the state. A copy of that information will be posted on our website after the February 7th, 2024 Tank Talks is held in Mulvane, KS.
Total Sites Inspected
Identified Discrepancy Type
Total deficiencies Discovered
ATG Probe Port - Cap - Soundness - Damaged
ATG Probe Port - Junction Box - Soundness - Seals Tightly
Catch Basin - Double-Walled - Interstice -Presence - Liquid
Catch Basin - Double-Walled - Interstice - Presence - Liquid
Catch Basin - Fill Cap - Damaged
Catch Basin - Fill Cap - Gasket - Damaged
Dispenser - Under Dispenser Equipment - Piping - Soundness - Leaking
Spill Bucket - Spill Bucket - Lid - Soundness - Damaged
STP - Pump Head - Location - Soil or Water Contact
STP Sump - Sump - Present - Water / Liquid
Tank - Water - Presence - Greater than .25"
Tank - Vent Pipe - Position - Supported / Damaged
Tank - Overfill Alarm - Soundness - Functional
Records - Facility Permit - present
Vapor Recovery - Vapor Recovery Spill Bucket - Presence - Water
Spill Bucket - Lid - Soundness - Adequately Painted
Records - SIR - Daily Inventory - This Month's Report - Presence
Tank - Double-Walled Steel - Interstice - Vacuum Level - Threshold - Tolerance
STP Sump - Lid - Soundness - Damaged
ATG Probe Port - Conduit - Soundness - Damaged
Emergency Shut Off - Emergency Shut off Switch - Location - Accessible
In Other News
2024 will see some changes in SIR. Contracts will be mailed per DocuSign and payment can be made thru that email and no more back and forth of documents. Look for that change in February.
2024 KS Operator Training (Jan-June) Schedule
Register now by going to www.tankmgmt.net
Please note that your A/B operator certificate expires four years from the date that you last took the class. You must have a valid A/B operator certificate to receive a UST permit and to operate your facility. Take a moment and check your expiration date. If it’s time to renew your certificate, here is a helpful list of upcoming classes.
The 2024 KS OT (Jan-June) schedule is on our website.
If you need assistance in scheduling a class, please call
Lori at 800-530-5683.
WHAT IS TANK MANAGEMENT SERVICES? TMS provides loss control and risk management assistance to UST owners who have third party liability insurance through Great American Alliance as part of the Kansas Underground Storage Tank Liability Plan. TMS can provide you with information on USTs, leak detection methods, as well as Federal and State regulations. Call TMS toll free at 800-530-5683 during normal Central Time Zone office hours (8-5). In the Topeka area, please call 785-233-1414. On the web go to tankmgmt.net. This Service is free.
Tank Management Services, Inc. (TMS) has provided the written information in this newsletter for educational purposes to assist UST owners and operators in complying with current UST regulations and to assist them in reducing losses associated with releases from USTs. The information is an outline and may not be complete. Owners and operators are responsible to ensure that they are in compliance with all applicable laws. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment can provide detailed information on compliance. The application or use of the information provided is the responsibility of the individual user.